Friday, February 15, 2008

A Humble Request

Hello Dear Readers--

For one of my grad school classes, I'm working on an article about Generation Y and why those of us in our twenties seem to have trouble becoming fully functioning grown-ups. (I'm sure my interest in this topic has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I'm turning 27 this week and am currently in the throes of a raging quarter-life crisis. But more on that later.)

Anyway, I need to interview a few twentysomethings out there about your experiences...what you define as adulthood, do you feel you've reached it yet and, if not, what's the hold up? And what better place to find interviewees than to turn to the Internets? So, if you are between the ages of 22 and 30, are not a personal friend or acquaintance of mine (since that would be journalistically unsound) and have something to say about this subject, drop me a line at

Also, the plan is to hopefully get this published somewhere so don't tell me anything you wouldn't want to see in print.

Thanks, and Happy Friday!


Monday, February 04, 2008

Have a Super Tuesday!

I like to think that elections--while often bringing out the worst in the candidates and the media--tend to bring out the best in the rest of us. Everyone has an opinion, everyone takes a side and for a few heady months we're an engaged and passionate citizenry. And it's certainly been an unusually exciting primary season full of drama, intrigue, unlikely heroes, cold-blooded villains and Ron Paul. It's been so riveting, in fact, that it's almost made me forget about the writers' strike that has left my TiVo as empty and barren as Dick Cheney's heart.

Also, since I'm no longer a reporter I now have the luxury of being as openly partisan as I want to be. In that spirit, I took myself over to UCLA on Sunday for the big Obama rally.

It was sort of an awe-inspiring display--thousands of people cheering, waving signs and stomping in unison. There were whites, blacks, Latinos, families with young kids and lots of women. There was Oprah! And Caroline Kennedy! And Michelle Obama! (Who was impressive and inspiring and altogether lovely). There was an awkward moment when Stevie Wonder took a spill getting to the stage. And for the grand finale, Maria Shriver strode onto the stage and announced her support for Obama to an ecstatic crowd.

The sight of these four rather extraordinary women together effectively made the underlying point of the entire event--that it's o.k. to be a woman and vote for Obama. I think it's a difficult decision for any Democrat (and particularly any female Democrat) to make when faced with two ground-breaking choices. But I tend to agree with Oprah in that, instead of seeing a painful choice, voters should see a moment when they “are free from the constraints of gender and race" to make the best decision for themselves.

It would be nice if, instead of talking about the division between the two candidates, we appreciate that either one will represent a historic moment. However things fall today and during the next few weeks, I was impressed by the diversity and passion of the people who came out in the rain, on Superbowl Sunday, to support their candidate.

Finally, although I realize there are few things on this earth more annoying than over-earnest celebrities during an election season (not that I don't appreciate phone messages from Snoop Dogg encouraging me to do my civic duty), I found myself sort of moved by this video that was shown during the rally.

Well played,