Monday, June 11, 2007

Catching Up

I know I've been away for a while, but let's jump right in with a discussion of the series finale of "The Sopranos."

I'm sure many viewers will read lots of existential meaning into the abrupt cut-to-black that ended the ground-breaking show. I'm not one of them. I thought it kinda sucked.

Did the dark, silent screen mean that Tony has finally made his violent exit from the world? Or are we meant to believe that it's not really an end...that the movie never ends, but rather goes on and on and on and on? Maybe the tension-filled final minutes in the diner were meant to represent a kind of purgatory, and the Soprano family is destined to eat fried onion rings together for all eternity.

Who cares. In it's heyday "The Sopranos" was a brilliant, original, operatic drama. The last couple of seasons it seemed to become bloated with its own importance (sort of like Tony Soprano himself). After a penultimate episode that saw the end of Silvio's pompadour, the death of teddy-bear-like Bobby Baccalieri, and ended with Tony holed up with a shotgun--all I wanted this week was some good old-fashioned whacking. Instead, I got a philosophy lesson courtesy of Steve Perry.

I'm choosing to believe that in those final seconds, Tony went uncharacteristically gently into that good night. However, the main things I will take from this finale are a bit more prosaic:

1. That you should never trust a guy in a Members Only jacket and
2. That I'm not the only one who requires three attempts to parallel park

Moving on...

Last week, I vowed to go on a strict Paris Hilton-free media diet. After a week spent following updates on her scheudenfreude-filled trip to the pokey, enough was enough.

Why? I wonder. Why this frenzied fascination over a woman known for little more than sporting an impressive array of blond hair extensions and coining the phrase "that's hot?"

The only explanation I can come up with is that Paris is sort of like a modern-day Marie Antoinette. Anger over her shamelessly irresponsible and over-privileged lifestyle has reached critical mass, and it seems the only way to restore the balance is to chop off her head. Or, you know--since we don't do that anymore--take away her hair extensions and send her to jail.

Think it's a bit of a stretch to compare Paris Hilton to Eighteenth Century French royalty? Well, I would point out that her name IS Paris, and that both women seem to share a love of baked goods.

And finally...

If, like me, you're desperately in need of something to restore your faith in pop culture you should check out the film Once. It's a really beautiful and understated love story. I saw it this weekend, and I adored it. You will too, promise.


Noelle said...

That's an interesting take on the heiress who shall not be named, because when Serena Jeter Nasuld wrote "Abundance" she claimed that she wanted to set the record straight about Marie Antoinette to show that she was really more like our current celebrities than an evil ruler.

Chrissy said...

I'm with ya...the Sopranos ending just plain sucked. I was always a huge fan, and I guess I just wanted more people dead. Is that too much to ask? :-)

Kelli said...

I'm glad you're back but I can't read any of this (am working very hard to not ruin the Soprano's for myself since I have to wait for this season to be out on DVD.)
I do want to see Once though...thanks to Matt & now your recs.
Also, it's hard to leave a comment and not look at what other people wrote....but I'm doing it.

Kyle Garret said...

Having read perhaps more responses to the Sopranos finale than anyone should, I find it to be a great sociological experiment.

I mean, it HAS to say something about the show and its audience that so many people are upset that more cast members DIDN'T DIE ON SCREEN.

Then again, I suppose I WAS screaming for Logan's death...

Anonymous said...

Okay Meg-O, here's a question for you: What's the most satisfying finale to a TV show you've ever seen?

Kyle Garret said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kyle Garret said...

Hey, Matt, can I answer?

Because, for me, it's Angel.

And strangely enough, I don't mean that as a "you have to keep watching, you punk."

Okay, well, only a little bit.

Meghan said...

An interesting question, Matthew. I thought "Six Feet Under" had a great series finale, even though the show kinda came off the tracks in the last couple of seasons.

"Buffy" had a satisfying conclusion. And "Sex and the City" was pretty good as well. What did those three shows all have in common? Finales that actually concluded the show.

Anyone else want to jump in with their two cents?

p.s. Kyle--Angel sucks! Live with it!

Kyle Garret said...

Six Feet Under was a good one, I'll agree with that. Although it really did go awry towards the end and, really, that finale could have happened a year earlier and had the same affect.

The Buffy finale was something of a mercy killing.

And while not a fan of the show, I thought the Sex and the City finale was somewhat abrupt.

And Angel does not, in fact, suck. And it does have the best series finale I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Um...hello! "The Brady Bunch," anyone?

ORANGE hair? On Graduation Day?? What's Greg going to do???

Anonymous said...

The weird thing about sex and the city is that the finale had all the main characters with 'the one' when the whole show was about how they were sort of rejecting that. I don't know, I don't think I understood the main point of the show.

And Angel is fabulous. I don't remember the finale exactly (i think it involved the beast?), but Cordelia giving birth to *and* sleeping with demon spawn was pretty much the coolest storyline ever.