Friday, March 14, 2008

All In The Game

You may have noticed that my posts, while never particularly regular, have been completely absent lately. This is due to:

a. working on a big assignment for my grad school class, a project that was immediately followed by

b. a trip back east to scout out wedding locations and finally settle on a date for THE BIG DAY.

(Even though the wedding is more than a year away it's amazing--and a little disturbing--how planning this one event has suddenly become the central focus of my life. While the rest of the world has been watching the Democratic Party slowly implode and googling "Emperors' Club" to see just what Eliot Spitzer has been up to, I have been agonizing over whether it's necessary to pay an extra $800 for a display of fruits and international cheeses at my reception. It's a sad state of affairs.)

and finally...

c. Matt and I have been racing through The Wire on DVD. And people, it is freaking AWESOME. It's the best show I've ever seen which, as a television junkie, is not a title that I bestow lightly. The fourth season in particular just broke my heart. I have to constantly remind myself that these characters aren't real. The only drawback to getting involved with the show is that if you watch enough of it, you'll find more four-letter words than usual creeping into your vocabulary. No doubt.

Anyway, these are my excuses for being such a delinquent blogger. I'm going to try to do better, but you know how life gets sometimes.

As the characters from The Wire might put it...It's all in the game, Motherfu**er!


Unknown said...

the wire is better than BSG!!!?????

Anonymous said...


"The Wire" is better than EVERYTHING.

Kyle Garret said...

Aren't you the same person who disappeared for a few days watching "Friday Night Lights?"

Actually, I've heard good things about "The Wire" from a lot of people.

But I will add that you're still in the honeymoon phase. I have a feeling the return of BSG (and possible shirtless HeLo) will temper your euphoria (or at least balance it).

And fortuntely for you, I'm a link machine on MY blog, so you can let me do all that work for you, politics-wise.

Noelle said...

The first disk of The Wire has been on "very long wait" in Netflix for a while. Therefore, I'm going to have to stick by BSG as the best show ever.

Anonymous said...

1. It was a nice feeling to see "The Notebook" turn up boldfaced on my google reader list today.

2. I hope the stress of wedding-planning is getting more tolerable as you check each item off of the list.

3. I was waiting to get The Wire until I got Netflix, but it sounds like I may have to wait even a bit longer than that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you know what else I heard was really good? That movie with Julia Stiles called "Down to You." Yeah, you and Matt should check it out.


Unknown said...

I've had The Wire on my queue for ages.

When I saw Matt in December he told me Friday Night Lights should be bumped up immediately to the top of my queue and he guaranteed it would be my favorite show ever.
Of course, I haven't yet watched FNL (sorry Matt. I'm trying to get through the Gilmore Girls series first)
I take it though that The Wire just jumped up as THE show to be my next in queue??

Unknown said...

Oh yes. One more thing.
Glad you're back to posting.